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  • How we got 56 leads and 12 opportunities in one month (Andersen Lab)

How we got 56 leads and 12 opportunities in one month

Maksim Pashko

Head of Pre Sales/Lead Generation department, Linkedin expert

Marta Auramenka

Business Development Manager

At Andersen Lab, we are always open to experiments for finding clients in fast-changing areas such as lead generation. Approaches that may have worked yesterday, such as monitoring sites like glassdoor.com, indeed.com, and angel.co, will not necessarily yield the same results today.

Andersen is a software development company with a full cycle of services.


year of founding




qualified experts

Before we started working with Leadguru, we researched Slack’s lead generation capabilities. Compared to manual work in Slack, Leadguru offers many additional benefits. It collects relevant messages from many online chats and communities into one place and makes it possible to contact their authors directly. This not only saves time, but also allows using a much more personalized approach to potential customers.

Working with Leadguru, we learned that clients often focused solely on hiring developers as part of their in-house staff and had not considered outsourcing such roles. We were told that if we have independent candidates, we should send their resumes for consideration. Any of our attempts to arrange a call to discuss potential cooperation between our companies have been rejected. Many people interrupted communication at this stage.

The problem was solved when we began to additionally knock on LinkedIn to representatives of those companies whose vacancies were found in Leadguru.

“This increased the percentage of responses to our messages”

On LinkedIn, we found and tried to establish contact not only with the person who posted the vacancy but also with the company’s decision-makers. When establishing contact with a decision-maker, we referred to a vacancy published in an online community. This increased the percentage of responses to our messages.

Maksim Pashko

Head of Pre Sales/Lead Generation department, Linkedin expert

This approach helped us to get our first positive results.

“Leadguru finds the most recent vacancies posted on Slack”

Compared to LinkedIn, Leadguru has the advantage. Leadguru finds the most recent vacancies posted on Slack and allows you to respond to them immediately.

Maksim Pashko

Head of Pre Sales/Lead Generation department, Linkedin expert

On LinkedIn, it is not always possible to identify and locate the person responsible for hiring. Even when it is possible, it can be difficult to establish contact with this person. With Leadguru, you can immediately contact the person who posted the vacancy, and get additional information about who they are looking for.

Using Leadguru, we received 5-6 responses to 10 messages sent to vacancies’ authors. Leadguru allows us to see the history of correspondence with a client and resume communication with them to see if they need more developers. Moreover, we can see at a glance if a client has already ignored our attempts to contact them so we won’t waste time contacting them again.

We had few relevant leads in the first month of work, but the second month was much more successful. We have now arranged a phone call with a potential client.
Only one person on our team has worked with Leadguru for 3-4 hours a day. For a little over a month, she wrote to 680 interesting contacts and received responses from approximately 370 potential customers.

We got 56 leads, i.e., individuals who have shown interest in our services. Even better, 12 of them can be qualified as opportunities. In a month’s time, we managed to organize one call and sign one contract.

social selling on Slack

We are confident that the results will be even better if we can filter leads in Leadguru by country, stack, company size and industry.

“Leadguru is a key source of hot leads for us”

Leadguru is a key source of hot leads for us. Using this tool, we have already secured a contract and received phone calls from many interesting and promising companies. Because we have seen that Leadguru really works, we will continue to use it for our lead generation needs.

Marta Auramenka

Business Development Manager

  • #B2B
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