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Slack automation

Mastering social communities: how to get 1500+ relevant requests and close deals easily

Mila Chekanovskaya

Account Manager, ex-Sales Manager at Mitrix Technology

Engaging with social communities is a complex process with its own challenges. Manually managing numerous communities is problematic and time-consuming. Leadguru empowers Mitrix by unlocking thousands of opportunities within social communities, steadily increasing prospect flow and sales.

Founded in 2016, Mitrix Technology, a mid-sized software development and IT consulting company, operating in the US and European markets, experiences explosive growth in 2024.
During the first year of using the Leadguru platform, Mitrix increased its revenue by up to $1M, receiving over 1,500 relevant requests each month via social communities on Slack and Discord. Discover how they automated their lead generation with Leadguru, having only one salesperson on board.
lead generation automation

IT Experts on a Global Scale

The company’s expertise is concentrated in domains such as Enterprise, Education, Healthcare, Blockchain, and beyond. Mitrix Technology maintains a full-cycle process of software development, from initial concept and design to final deployment and ongoing support.


The Challenges

Hunting down leads requires significant time and resources. Moreover, sales teams miss opportunities because of unnoticed messages, delayed responses, and the inability to handle all client requests promptly. Traditional sales channels hardly deliver the expected results—this is why social selling is increasingly popular today.

Mitrix needed to find the right solution to help them automate their lead generation within social media communities and let their salespeople focus on what mattered most: activating those prospects and turning them into clients.

That’s where Leadguru came in. The tool promised to streamline client acquisition processes and enhance interactions with potential clients through social communities on Slack and Discord.

social selling on slack automation

Notifications about important replies are automatically sent to your work email, which is especially convenient when you and your client are in different time zones. The message history is stored on the platform, ensuring nothing is lost, and the essential information is always available for viewing. If a potential client duplicates their request in several communities, the system analyzes this and marks the duplicate messages in the feed. 

With Leadguru, Mitrix receives about 1500 relevant requests per month.

The implementation of Leadguru enabled connection to 400+ thematic communities and 2400+ channels selected based on the company’s industry specificity and the regions it operates in. In total, these streams generate over 150,000 messages per month.

By tailoring the advanced algorithms of Leadguru, a social selling automation tool, Mitrix Technology receives 50+ relevant requests daily.

Comparing the use of the tool with manual lead search, it is clear that the results are vastly different. Manually, one person can handle no more than 15 communities and about 30+ channels within a full 8-hour workday. With Leadguru, even one employee working for 3-4 hours daily can effectively and systematically manage hundreds of communities, responding to the most relevant and interesting messages within the first few minutes of their publication.

“My task is to follow the Leadguru notifications and be ready to communicate with warm leads!”

Mila Chekanovskaya

Account Manager, ex-Sales Manager at Mitrix Technology

High Degree of Personalization

Unlike traditional lead generation methods such as email campaigns, posting on specialized platforms, and contextual advertising, Leadguru considers a maximum number of factors for message personalization, lead sorting, and quick, effective replies to requests, significantly increasing the response rate.

response rate, lead search, outreach

Leadguru automates searching for and reaching your target audience, thereby reducing the time and resources spent on these tasks.

“Response rate increased up to 50%”

We tried many ways for lead generation, but unfortunately, they did not bring the expected results. It was necessary to send hundreds or even thousands of emails and direct messages to get any feedback from potential leads. For example, the response rate in email campaigns reached approximately 0.02-0.05%, and on LinkedIn, it was 4-8%. However, in Slack communities, every second lead replied to our personalized messages, which equates to a response rate increase of up to 50%.

Mila Chekanovskaya

Account Manager, ex-Sales Manager at Mitrix Technology

Closing Deals Easily

Implementing the Leadguru platform revolutionized the company’s business processes, leading to active and rapid growth. Engaging with social communities proved to be a great alternative to traditional sales channels and lead-generation tools.

Leadguru scores hundreds of channels and communities and detects the most valuable and promising ones for your business. Automation of social media communities with the help of advanced manual and AI-powered algorithms eliminates the processing time of incoming requests, allowing focus on closing deals, not searching for leads.

close deals easily with Leadguru

For example, Mitrix closed a deal and signed a contract with a client in a completely new business domain within a few messages. The sales manager configured a dedicated algorithm for blockchain development, connected several relevant communities, and was able to quickly and efficiently analyze warm lead requests. Mitrix was the first where their competitors had hardly yet arrived. They responded to messages quickly and adapted their approach to communication with clients based on the peculiarities of platforms and the specifics of leads’ requests.

“We closed a deal in just 9 messages”

A unique case in my practice was closing a deal in just 9 messages! This was one of the first leads detected by Leadguru. Our collaboration was very productive as we worked with the client for 1.5 years and established ourselves as a reliable and highly qualified partner, implementing several Blockchain projects during this period.

Mila Chekanovskaya

Account Manager, ex-Sales Manager at Mitrix Technology


The implementation of Leadguru was a key factor in Mitrix’s success, enabling the company to completely transform its approach to business processes, sales automation, and lead detection. By leveraging the Leadguru lead generation tool and actively engaging in social communities, Mitrix turned Slack and Discord into sources of qualified leads.

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