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Leadguru Emergence: From Problem to Product

  • #B2B
  • #Customer Success
  • #Sales

Leadguru was developed by Mitrix Technology, a full-service software development company serving customers around the world since 2016. We created the program to help us and other companies with the critical task of finding clients.

Initially, we relied on traditional lead-generation approaches. Like many other companies, we looked for fast-growing companies and searched for their relevant contacts on Crunchbase. With the help of AngelList, we searched for startups that have attracted investors to help them develop their products. We also searched open sources for information about companies that had used various startup accelerators and offered our soft development services to their managers. Finally, we used traditional approaches such as LinkedIn lead searching and cold emailing.

Unfortunately, all these methods were very time consuming, as we had to first find the right companies and decision-makers, then locate their contact information and write to them.

Attempts to reach out to potential customers by cold email and private message yielded little response. The effectiveness of the traditional outbound lead-generation methods that we used was also very low. The majority of the contracts we gained came through the personal contacts of the founder of Mitrix, Dmitry Blishchik.

Dima Blyshchyk, Chicago

Once Dmitry traveled to the United States, where he was looking for new contracts for Mitrix. With the help of the professional community at Slack, he was able to quickly contact and make an appointment with the CEO of a company potentially interested in Mitrix’s custom software development services. Finding that it was much easier to reach executives through online communities in Slack than by email or phone, he came up with the idea of using Slack as a primary method of searching for future partners.

In order to reach as many contacts as possible, Mitrix began to connect and monitor more and more online technological communities that we found in open sources.

After a period of development, our corporate Slack was connected to more than 100 professional communities, which contained more than 1000 channels. This was the first prototype (MVP) of the product, which we later named Leadguru.

By tracking and responding to relevant messages from our online communities, we received new clients for custom software development.

  • We received a high volume of messages, which led to the following difficulties:
  • It was difficult to view and process all the messages. Many messages were missed or lost.
  • It was difficult to respond to all relevant messages in a timely manner. Some of them became outdated before we had time to respond to them.

We were unable to track and save specific messages and communication chains in Slack, so we had to document the process of communication with clients separately.

The overwhelming amount of time was spent not on communication with  potential customers, but on information processing. Many of potential leads were missed or lost. It had become clear that we needed to automate our lead-generation processes.

We started working on a program that would help us automate the search for hot leads in the connected technology communities of Slack and communicate with them.

We have now collected and analyzed thousands of relevant posts from potential clients. Through machine learning, we’ve created an algorithm that automatically finds messages in connected channels that contain an intent to hire a developer. We implemented this algorithm in the first versions of Leadguru.

All communication is carried out in the Leadguru interface. The user can directly contact the authors of a message without having to visit a specific Slack channel.

This significantly simplified the process of communication with potential customers and saved us a significant amount of time. We were able to process more than 10 hot leads every day and find new clients for custom software development.

Eventually, other software companies became interested in our program. Therefore, in 2020, we began to develop Leadguru as a separate commercial product for B2B clients.

What does Leadguru do?

Leadguru finds hot leads by searching messages for expressions of specific needs.

Why is our product better than others?

With Leadguru, you no longer have to search for relevant companies and contacts. You can immediately write to a hot lead that Leadguru found for you, and he or she will see your message.

Why should you use Leadguru?

Leadguru saves a huge amount of time by fully automating the lead-generation process, allowing sales personnel to limit their communication to prospects that Leadguru found.

What is Leadguru?

Leadguru is lead-generation software that automatically finds prospects relevant to your business in online communities and messaging apps and allows you to contact them directly.

In the first versions of LeadGuru, we connected over 400 professional communities to Slack. Now we are working on connecting online communities on social networks and messengers such as Discord, Quora, Reddit, and Twitter. We also develop algorithms to help recruitment agencies find candidates, as well as to find clients for various products and services.

We are in frequent communication with our clients to learn how we can make Leadguru more convenient and efficient.

Order an online demo to see what Leadguru can do for you!

  • #B2B
  • #Customer Success
  • #Sales