Table of contents

A huge Leadguru update

  • #B2B
  • #Customer Success
  • #Sales

In October 2021 we have released a huge update of Leadguru.  Many new features have been introduced in the last version. Numerous already existed features have been improved. In this article, we describe all these new features.

New Pages


We added the ability to find, save and start communicating with any contact from all connected workspaces. It provides a user with a new channel of communication with existed prospects that were found from other sources.


Now Leadguru provides users with the ability to create (edit/delete) message templates for use in chat. This function will be very useful for automating routine communication tasks.


In this tab Leadguru shows charts and calculates the average number of processed messages. This information is used to predict the date of credit expiration.

Minor updates

Guru feed

  • now you may edit the following data in the saved lead profile

– name
– LinkedIn link
– email
– technologies
– locations
– company

  • added the ability to filter leads

– by the status of his current activity in the slack (who is online)

– by the state of connection of the workspace connected / not connected

– according to the configuration of the lead search algorithm: recruiter mode/sales mode (This feature will be improved)

  • added the possibility to mark leads as Recruiter, Director on the UI if these words are indicated in the lead title.


  • added the ability to filter chats by the status of its current activity in slack
  • expanded functionality of working with text

– bold / italic / strikethrough font
– bulleted list / numbered list
– insert link
– emoji

Sources (ex. Workspaces)

  • menu tab Workspaces has been renamed to Sources.
  • added the ability to view the last 100 channel messages to understand its relevance before connecting
  • added the ability to pause/resume monitoring of channels from among Leadguru connected workspaces


  • analytics now moved to a separate menu tab
  • added the ability to get analytics included analytics for the Leadguru connected workspaces
  • added the ability to get analytics by the number of responses received to sent messages to prospects

  • #B2B
  • #Customer Success
  • #Sales